Need help navigating your federal student loans? Not sure which plan is best for you? Young Invincibles, Colorado State University of Pueblo, and the office of Colorado Student Loan Ombudsperson are hosting an in-depth clinic in Pueblo to answer questions and help borrowers at all stages of their repayment journey.
Thanks to new income-driven repayment programs and other changes to federal student loans, millions of borrowers are newly eligible to save money. For example, the new SAVE Plan will cut many borrowers’ monthly payments to zero and save others around $1,000 per year, will prevent balances from growing because of unpaid interest, and will get more borrowers closer to forgiveness faster.
Join them on Wednesday, August 7th at 4 PM at the Rawlings Library (in room Brett Kelly A). Federal Student Aid staff will be on hand to answer your questions and laptops will be available for use during this session. Sign up at: https://younginvincibles.org/colorado-2024-student-debt-clinics/ today!
The first hour of the event will include a training and Q&A session on student loans led by Federal Student Aid facilitators. The rest of the event will be an open clinic for borrowers to get support navigating their student loans and signing up for income-driven repayment programs. FREE FOOD & PRIZES INCLUDED!
Whether you're just starting your repayment journey or are well into it, this clinic is for you! Make sure you sign up now: https://younginvincibles.org/colorado-2024-student-debt-clinics/
Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 7, 2024
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM MDT
Wednesday, August 7th, 4-6:30 PM
Rawlings Library (in room Brett Kelly A) 100 E Abriendo Ave, Pueblo, CO 81004
Contact Information
Cameron DeTello
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