Pueblo Rape Crisis Services invites you to show your support of survivors at this gorgeous COLOR WALK/RUN. Proceeds help us to empower survivors, provide victim advocacy, and build community awareness to reduce sexual violence. Registration is $30 and includes a t-shirt and COLOR! (Or $20 without a t-shirt.) Create a team with your friends, family, and coworkers to support our work and have FUN! (Your most colorful outfits and high heels shoes are encouraged!) Register on Eventbrite at https://WAM2023.eventbrite.com
Saturday May 13, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM MDT
May 13, 2023 / 2PM
Pueblo Riverwalk: GATEWAY PLAZA
Kirsten at PRCS
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Printed courtesy of www.pueblolatinochamber.com/ – Contact the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Pueblo for more information.
215 South Victoria Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81003-3434 – 719-542-5513 – office@pueblolatinochamber.com